Monday, November 23, 2009

comments on others short stories

EAN: OMG Ean i really like your short story, because it connects to teens in the world now. and it shows how people try to b more like other people in order to fit in . but in life its not all about fitting in . and i really like it


i like your Short story it was nice and i like how you made the character be shy at first and then the character became uncomfortable that giselle was smarter than him . i also liked how you started off describing the character letting us get to no the person .

Yoo Stephhh.
I really liked your short story , i realized that cool to you means to just make sure you have all 90`s in your classes than you can do w.e you want as long as you no your passing your classes. you had great detail. and it was insterting. hopefully there would be more .

Arden ,
i Like you story it seems like if you were to make it into a book it would be very instersting. i like how yuh focused on how cool dokota was at first than, once hawk stood up 4 hym self the story went and foucused on hawk. it was nice and detailed and live to read moree.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Short Story

Hey Mom Do We Really have To Move To New York. I Like The Schools Here DownSouth better then the one`s in new york. Mother looks at her daugther with a sad face and says yes , they have a better opening in a job for me there than they do here. Daughter looks at her mom and says fine.

As Me And My mom Get on The bus to Go to My school, i see a group of girls staring at me, where im from if you stare at some one thats showing the person you wanna fight them or dont like them. so i turn my head and act like i dont see them. My mom notices them to and says you better not start no trouble up here.

As we get to my school in harlem ny i notice that the clothing of the girls is way different from how iam dressed i there for wonder if thats why the girls where looking at me. but downsouth the way im dressed is cool. i feel a little nervous what if people wont like me what if they think im not cool a nuff to be in there school, but im tuff i can do this .

As we walk into the office i see a gurl (hi im here to sign trevyln brown in for the first day of skool " as my mom speaks in the background sure just take a seat and i will get yuh all set up replies the secretary) she comes and she sits right next to me and says hi my name is kadejah whats yours? i reply baq trevyln but everyone calls me trev , she says nice to meet you im new. whoa i already made a friend i think to my self . maybe im cool after all maybe i will like this skool , just have to think positive

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think being cool can be used in two different ways one can mean O he`s cool like by the way a person`s reputation is or the things they do that make them cool. another way can be when someone does something dumb and their trying 2 b cool and another person use`s the term of "o he`s cool" being sarcastic. plus there`s different ways of being cool, theres not just one way. people can think there cool in their own way. in my opinion someone who`s cool is someone who does their own thing and not follow on to other people like an leader, or who stand out for themselves as in unique and not what other people think.

In schools you cant really tell whos cool or not because people have there own little cliques , but basically they are split up in their own groups on how they act and what they like. some cliques are just about sports and they are cool beacuse they are really athletic. Then it`s the smart cliques who are cool beacuse they are smart. so i think that everybody is cool in there own way.

Now A Days the Coolness is determined on how you dress like if you have th lastest trend your cool, but if you dont then people call you all sorts of names, so like i said cool can be determined on different things. like in feed some of the characters i guess where cool because they listened to the feed find out the lastest things on what to buy. so on certain levels you can b cool if your not on that level then your just not cool.

i just wonder am i Cool , and what level would i fit into. WOnder if other people see me as cool , not that it matters lol .

art project 1


Your So Addictive ,
Idk What You Are Doing 2 Me ,
you Make Me Feeel Good , When i use you ,
But Your Paining Me in the Inside .
you HAve all these features , That Attracts me 2 You,
Makes me feel So Good but at The end makes me blue .

My poem is basically a hammer poem because it`s showing how the person feels about digitilization , and how it`s making them feel. My Art is Talking About how The person Starts becoming addictive to the product that he or she is using and how it makes them feel how it effects them. personally i think i can connect to my art because sometimes i feel this way , like as if the product takes control of me and i start to forget about all the other things that matter. i think that someone else can connect to it to, of how this one little object can hypnotize a person into getting hooked to it. the most interesting thing abuot making is that i can look back on how it was for me to do this process, and how i got to reflct onto it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

essay outline


Digitization: can cause people to alienate/brainwashing themselves , which is leading them to unhealthy lifestyles and addiction.

Argument 1 : Technology Has Caused them to leave the real world and enter into the world where they become unaware of their surroundings.

Argument 2 :People are absorbed by the technology around them because they are not themselves anymore.

Argument 3 : : Using these new digital devices it allows us to become socially challenged and give us an excuse to be lazy.

Evidence 1 : Wall-e

Evidence 2 : Feed

Evidence 3 : Video Projet