Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think being cool can be used in two different ways one can mean O he`s cool like by the way a person`s reputation is or the things they do that make them cool. another way can be when someone does something dumb and their trying 2 b cool and another person use`s the term of "o he`s cool" being sarcastic. plus there`s different ways of being cool, theres not just one way. people can think there cool in their own way. in my opinion someone who`s cool is someone who does their own thing and not follow on to other people like an leader, or who stand out for themselves as in unique and not what other people think.

In schools you cant really tell whos cool or not because people have there own little cliques , but basically they are split up in their own groups on how they act and what they like. some cliques are just about sports and they are cool beacuse they are really athletic. Then it`s the smart cliques who are cool beacuse they are smart. so i think that everybody is cool in there own way.

Now A Days the Coolness is determined on how you dress like if you have th lastest trend your cool, but if you dont then people call you all sorts of names, so like i said cool can be determined on different things. like in feed some of the characters i guess where cool because they listened to the feed find out the lastest things on what to buy. so on certain levels you can b cool if your not on that level then your just not cool.

i just wonder am i Cool , and what level would i fit into. WOnder if other people see me as cool , not that it matters lol .

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